Thursday, 25 February 2016

Practice makes Perfect

Well it does if you practice perfectly.

The saying is really "Practice makes Permanent" therefore take care in what you practice.

I have been  running through some augmented chords and with JustinGuitar's minute changes I thought I was doing ok.

Em7  I can play with all the strings ringing so all good.  But now I'm trying to play tunes with it in Yousician and the chord isn't recognised so whats gone wrong?

I have managed to learn the chord with two fingers transposed - played  slowly its fine but in the heat of the tune the inverted 1 & 2 fingering dampens strings if the finger tips position is not spot on

Chord   Correct           My
             Fingers           Fingers

3            4                    4
3            3                    3
2            2                    1
2            1                    2

My fingering is good for the changes to C7  and G  but less tolerant of poor technique so  I guess even more practice is in order lol !!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Still Plucking Away

More real life stuff but still averaging an hour a day over a week so really chuffed with myself.

Things are starting to slot together quite well  so even my random noodlings are sounding good.

Yousician practice is going ok - the new level has really ramped up the complexity but equally the passages are now sounding much nicer too.

My goal to learn Flight of Icarus isnt progressing quite so well.  Although simple (ish) in its segments the changes and tweeks at tempo are still a little beyond me just yet. I'll keep at it.

Finally I have dusted off an old set of videos from Steve Stine - Absolute Fretboard Mastery.  Steve is a really good teacher and his approach is well pitched - I'm at a level now where I feel I can take on some of this practice so this week I''ve started on part 1 which covers 6th String Notes  ,  5 Pentatonic shapes and his meandering challenge.

Achieving Absolute Fretboard Mastery Part1

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Practice Practice

Its been a busy few weeks.

Real life got in the way and I have had to take a few days off guitar playing.

The good news is I still averaged an hour a day over the week and I even managed to complete the Yousician Level Six skill tests.

I am still picking up simple songs and riffs and working my fingers round them. I really do need to simplify my practice setup as I am slipping back to playing acoustically and that path leads to mistakes I should avoid.

I read an interesting post about filming yourself playing. I know it makes sense for coaching paddling so I'm going to give it a go.