DIY Pedal Board

Ok so I like to tinker

And like all wannabe guitarists I dream of the day  I can  beast that awesome solo !

Really !!

Well maybe a little bit ..

But then I also want to be able to stop and start practice tunes with my foot - especially when I'm on Yousician.

Heres a little side blog about my programmable pedal board experiments.


  • Teensy Board 
  • .75mm Wire
  • Stripboard
  • Switches to taste
  • Board casing to taste


Step 1 - Preparation

The Teensy board really is tiny!  about half the size of my thumb.  As my soldering skills (and eyesight) aren't what they used to be I mounted the Teensy on a piece of strip board. This makes the job a whole lot easier.

Then run a Ground bus for the switches fiddly  but again makes a nicer job.

Connect up a single push to make switch to pin1 and the ground bus  and we are ready for trials.

Step 2 - Programming

The Teensy website has loads of simple scripts you can use.  I started with the simple "Button" sketch to make the on board LED flash and it worked a treat!

I then took the demo "Keyboard" sample and re-purposed it.

It was actually easier than I thought

Step 3 - Case

I mocked up my pedalboard with some 3mm MDF board I had lying about.  When I'm happy I will remake with decent Plywood.

The cable runs are messy at the minute as I don't want to have to resolder the whole board when I finalise my case design - there's plenty of slack!!

It works !! 

I now have a fully programmable USB pedalboard that I can use to control Yousician - Play / Pause / Repeat all without taking my hands off the guitar !! I can even swicth Clean / Dirty channels on my Mustang I

Cost so far £30 

The Next Steps

My aim is to have a full midi controller for a Boss GT-001 so I will be working on the case layout for that. When I'm happy I will make up the proper case and complete the installation.

Of course I also need to find a decent midi code script for the Teensy - there are many demo's out there so I'm confident.


With my new found enthusiasm I have also updated my pedal board. I added a few extra switches and tidied up the wiring.

MKII is still in the old mockup housing but works really well. I added code to let the pedal run different "Modes" .

Mode 1 is for Yousician. Pause/Play  Switch to Practice mode , Restart and also a coupld of mouse position and click presets so I can "Contiue" and progress most things now without needing to reach for a mouse or keyboard. The only thing I cant do yet is adjust the practice speed / Auto toggle)

Mode 2 is for Youtube - The switches now control  Play / Pause / Fullscreen / Start / End as well as skip forwards / backwards 20secs

I also have a new housing in progress - by Christmas I hope it will look really nice !

MkII has Arrived !

The old board has been rehoused and looks awesome.  I added a removable USB cable to protect the board. Coding wise I have learned alot! The basic sketch now includes MIDI code and I have put in the following Functions -
  • Cycle up or down through the GT-001 favourite patches A through D
  • Toggle between Channel A and B on any patch
  • Use 1 Expression Pedal (Currently using for Volume)

More You Say ?

The code will support multiple modes so MkIII is already underway.  This adds a 16x2 LCD screen and a second Expression input. 

Testing !

I bought a second Teensy to play with and develop on and learning from my mistakes with a breadboard also helps !

New Brains

Since I cant print my own PCBs  strip board will have to do.
Its still a little 'compact' and scruffy but much better than the original.

Waiting on a set of cable connectors then we can get on with the install.

Finally Finished

I'm so pleased with how this has turned out.  I have learned alot through the course of this little project.  My soldering skills have really improved and I have dabbled in both Arduino code and MIDI code.

The finished article looks great and is still expandable.  10x programable footswitches and 2 analogue inputs. I'm already having fun switching tones as I play.

Rock On !

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