Saturday, 7 December 2019

Time to up my game

Progress is going well.

I really want to keep this momentum up.

I'm going to start seriously working through Justin Guitars course and songs. there are two things driving me this way.

I've reached a bit of a plateau in Yousician and although it has re-ignited my drive to play, the last two days have seen me repetitively playing the same short passage just to get the stars - musically the passages are somewhat meaningless thought the technical (and gamer) challenge has driven me on.

Looking at Justins new 'My Practice Assistant' tool on his site has let me set up some more structured routines that I can still log (and track) accomplishments on.

So I lose the direct feedback of the Yousician app telling me I missed a note but with my new monitors I can actually hear that. I gain a more detailed course plan and practice routines.

I spent the evening setting up routines for Scales and Fretboard sessions as well as 1 minute changes for all the "Cowboy" chords. Now all I need to do is stick to them !!

Lets see how we get on.

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